Welcome to our website. Feel free to explore our pages and please leave us some feedback on our guestbook, via our contact us form or by email. Thank you :)   17th Hull Company
March 25, 2025


Officer in Charge Derek Robinson
Leaders Mike Fish
Meet 6.30 - 7.50pm every Friday at Kingston Wesley Methodist Church Holderness High Road, Hull
Age 8 - 11 years old
Activities Worship, Achievements, Games, Craft, Activities and Competitions.

The Juniors!


Boys can earn up to 6 different badges during their time in the Junior Section. Successfully completing a number of "achievements" on different themes, round plastic badges are awarded at six stages, white, green, purple, blue, red and gold. Once a boy has earned his first badge he receives an armband and a badge displaying the number of years he has been a member of the Boys Brigade. The badges are shown below.

Junior Section Badges